Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Wisdom as taught to my by parents

Merry meet,

Sometimes there are people in  life that you are forced to work with who rub you up the wrong way or are continuously rude to you and/or seemingly incapable of acting in a civil or professional manner. I realised this morning however that I could choose to let it affect me and therefor ruin my day, make me upset and then be generally miserable all the time I had to spend with this person.


I could CHOOSE to be happy and not let her bother me. I could CHOOSE to realise that she is probably never going to change or grow up but instead continue to be rude and obnoxious. She wasn't going to bother to change because she didn't feel she was wrong, even when she is abusive. But I, myself, could change. I could realise that while she will be immature I will get on with my life. While she is bitter and nurses the chip on her shoulder about her age or having to work with someone a quarter of her age or whatever it is, I will be enjoying hanging out with boyfriend and friends, seeing my parents, working on the many volunteer committees I'm on and studying my path.

I can choose to not let her get to me and realise that my parents were right. Sometimes you need to accept that some people that were rude, immature and bitter person in high school will remain that way for their whole lives. After realising that you are able to cheer yourself up so much easier. At first the smile you put on feels a little fake but if you KEEP smiling then eventually the smile becomes real. Whether because you see or hear or think of something funny or because your brain just realises that the smile is somewhat fake and decides to make it real. Either way just SMILE!! Everything really will be ok. :)

Merry part.

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